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HELLO and welcome to my first ever blog.

A bit daunting especially when my background was in journalism but taking pictures not words – so hey ho I will give it my best SHOT. Back in August I made the biggest decision of my life to leave the Newspaper Industry where I have worked since a teenager. I have always wanted to have my own business so with the big  4 0  fast approaching it was now or never. Some might say a midlife crisis? but no I am determined to make this happen.

With two young children Ollie, six and Lewis just 18 months I wanted to have more time with them so what better way than working for yourself and making your own decisions. Choosing which days I will be working and not feeling like I am missing out on them growing up.

So life in October has become very exciting. We’ve had a family holiday and now I am refreshed, ready for the challenges ahead. I know it won’t be an easy ride probably many up’s and many down’s  along the way. But what’s more important for me is that I am the happiest I have been for years.

I love my family but I love my job so now I have got the best of both worlds.

So if you know anyone getting married or would like a family portrait then please get in touch.

Thanks for reading and here is to plenty more blogs.